CFP: Japan in the World, the World in Japan

Three very dear friends of mine are involved in organizing a conference focusing on the methodology of teaching (in) Japan – they just announced the call for papers for the next iteration of the conference and, with their permission, I pasted it here. (I also uploaded the pdf file here to make it easier to circulate the announcement.)
Call for Papers
We are pleased to announce the third “Japan in the World and the World in Japan: A Methodological Approach” annual symposium. This year’s event will be held at the Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Osaka University (Minoh Campus), on March 3rd and 4th, 2018.
The symposium focuses on the secondary and tertiary level instruction of subjects related to Japan (history, culture, literature, etc) in a cosmopolitan way that aims to place knowledge in the context of an internationally-oriented education, appropriate in this age of super-globalization. We invite proposals for:
1) pedagogically-based papers and panels on the instruction of content courses;
2) presentations introducing novel syllabi, teaching methods and materials;
3) demo lessons centred on content-based class activities.
Please submit a 250-word abstract, along with a 50-word presenter bio and contact information, by December 31, 2017 to japanintheworld1[at]
Important Dates
Abstract proposal due December 31, 2017
Notification of result January 31, 2018
Registration for participation before February 20, 2018
Symposium days March 3-4, 2018
You can see the programme and abstracts of the presentations given at the previous symposium (December 3-4, 2016, Otemae University) on our Facebook page. A selection of the papers presented will soon be available as a peer-reviewed volume on Otemae University’s online repository.

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